2020-06-17 |
Winning_The_Daily_Battle_B_Kimbrough_6-17-2020.mp3 |
2020-06-13 |
Spiritual_Privilege_B_Kimbrough_6-13-2020.mp3 |
2020-06-10 |
Challenges_B_Kimbrough_6-10-2020.mp3 |
2020-06-06 |
Gods_Megaphone_Call_B_Kimbrough_6-6-2020_.mp3 |
2020-05-30 |
Christ_For_the_Nations_B_Kimbrough_5-30-2020.mp3 |
2020-05-28 |
Studying_The_Bible_By_Chapters_B_Kimbrough_5-28-2020.mp3 |
2020-05-23 |
Creation_B_Kimbrough_5-23-2020.mp3 |
2020-05-20 |
Childlike_Faith_B_Kimbrough_2-20-2020.mp3 |
2020-05-16 |
A_Lockdown_B_Kimbrough_5-16-2020.mp3 |
2020-05-06 |
How_to_Know_God_Answers_Prayer_B_Kimbrough.mp3 |
2020-05-05 |
The_Last_Night_On_Earth_B_Kimbrough.mp3 |
2020-05-04 |
The_Testimony_Of_Jesus_B_Kimbrough.mp3 |
2020-05-02 |
How_Not_To_Wait_For_Freedom_B_Kimbrough.mp3 |
2020-05-01 |
The_Mark_Of_The_Beast_B_Kimbrough.mp3 |
2020-04-29 |
Peters_Deliverance_B_Kimbrough.mp3 |
2020-04-28 |
The_Return_Of_The_Woman_B_Kimbrough.mp3 |
2020-04-27 |
How_To_Postpone_Your_Funeral_B_Kimbrough.mp3 |
2020-04-25 |
Spiritual_Virus_B_Kimbrough.mp3 |
2020-04-24 |
A_Desolate_Planet_B_Kimbrough_.mp3 |
2020-04-21 |
God's_Strange_Act__B_Kimbrough.mp3 |
2020-04-18 |
Gaining_Spiritual_Strength_B_Kimbrough.mp3 |
2020-04-16 |
Babylon_Rising_B_Kimbrough.mp3 |
2020-04-14 |
A_River_Runs_Through_It_B_Kimbrough.mp3 |
2020-04-08 |
Revelations_forgotten_history_B_Kimbrough.mp3 |
2020-04-03 |
The_Coming_Of_The_Lawless_One_B_Kimbrough.mp3 |
2020-03-31 |
The_Ultimate_Mind_Game_B_Kimbrough_3-31-2020.mp3 |
2020-03-27 |
The_Appearing_B_Kimbrough_3-27-2020.mp3 |
2020-03-23 |
The_Four_horsemen_B_Kimbrough_3-23-2020.mp3 |
2020-03-21 |
Final_Empire_3-21-2020b.mp3 |
2020-03-21 |
Sabbath_3-21-2020_B_Kimbrough.mp3 |
2020-03-20 |
Final_Empire_3-20-2020.mp3 |
2020-03-19 |
Final_Empire_3-19-2020.mp3 |
2020-03-18 |
Final_Empire_3-18-2020.mp3 |
2020-03-14 |
The_Third_Certainty_D_Winslow_3-14-2020.mp3 |
2020-03-07 |
Jesus_The_Focus_of_Prophecy-B_Kimbrough_3-7-2020.mp3 |
2020-02-29 |
Tell_Me_The_Story_Of_Jesus-Doug_Garcia_2-29-2020.mp3 |
2020-02-22 |
Greg_Hamilton_Aftrernoon_2-22-2020.mp3 |
2020-02-15 |
Protecting_Gods_Kids-B_Kimbrough_2-15-2020.mp3 |
2020-02-08 |
The_End_Time_People_Of_God-B_Kimbrough_2-8-2020.mp3 |
2020-02-01 |
He_is_Faithful-Gem_Castor_2-1-2020.mp3 |
2020-01-18 |
What_Is_Prayer-_B_Kimbrough_1-18-2020.mp3 |
2020-01-11 |
Holy_Spirit_Power_for_2020-B_Kimbrough_1-11-2020.mp3 |
2020-01-04 |
We_Have_This_Hope_B_Kimbrough_1-4-2020.mp3 |
2019-12-28 |
Making_God_Smile-_Dr_Dwight_Winslow_12-26-2019.mp3 |
2019-12-21 |
Gods_Way_To_A_New_Life-_B_Kimbrough_12-21-2019.mp3 |
2019-12-14 |
What_are_the_Signs_of_the_Times-_Lou_Goodgame_12-14-2019.mp3 |
2019-12-07 |
Is_Jesus_Real_to_You-_B_Kimbrough_12-7-2019.mp3 |
2019-12-07 |
Five_Smooth_Stones_from_the_Brook-David_Keitel_11-30-2019.mp3 |
2019-11-23 |
Putting_the_Thanks_in_Thanksgiving-_D_Winslow_11-23-2019.mp3 |
2019-11-16 |
How_To_Draw_Near_To_God-B_Kimbrough_11-16-2019.mp3 |
2019-11-09 |
Connect_the_Dots-_Paul_Ott_11-9-2019.mp3 |
2019-11-02 |
Reformation_Day_Youth_Celebration_11-2-2019.mp3 |
2019-11-02 |
What_Was_The_Reformation-B_Kimbrough_11-2-2019.mp3 |
2019-10-26 |
Space_Cadets-Tom_Bischoff_10-26-2019.mp3 |
2019-10-19 |
Charles_Kirk_Dedication-_B_Kimbrough_10-19-2019.mp3 |
2019-10-12 |
Why_Did_Jesus_Die_On_The_Cross-B_Kimbrough_10-12-2019.mp3 |
2019-10-05 |
Who_Is_The_Greatest-B_Kimbrough_10-5-2019.mp3 |
2019-09-28 |
Gettysburgs_Ghosts_9-28-2019.mp3 |
2019-09-28 |
Is_Your_Fellowship_in_Good_Hands-L_Goodgame_9-28-2019.mp3 |
2019-09-21 |
Brave_New_World-Young_People_Church__9-21-2019.mp3 |
2019-09-21 |
Communion-B_Kimbrough_9-21-2019.mp3 |
2019-09-14 |
Let_Freedom_Ring_Young_People_Church_9-14-2019.mp3 |
2019-09-14 |
Sermon__116-B_Beigel_9-14-2019.mp3 |
2019-09-09 |
Prayer_and_Fasting-K_Wilfley_9-7-2019.mp3 |
2019-08-31 |
Hope-B_Kimbrough_8-31-2019.mp3 |
2019-08-24 |
Free_Free_At_Last-Chuck_Stout_8-24-2019.mp3 |
2019-08-17 |
Sermon_115-_B_Biegel_8-17-2019.mp3 |
2019-08-10 |
Peace_Be_Still-D_Winslow_8-10-2019.mp3 |
2019-08-03 |
Jesus_Saves-_B_Kimbrogh_8-3-2019.mp3 |
2019-07-27 |
Behold_The_Man_-_J_Anderson_7-27-2019.mp3 |
2019-07-20 |
The_Wisdom_of_God-D_Winslow_7-20-2019.mp3 |
2019-07-13 |
The_Wonderful_Spirit-Led_Life_7-13-2019.mp3 |
2019-07-06 |
The_Call_to_Minister_to_the_Poor_7-6-2019.mp3 |
2019-06-29 |
Who_Is_God-B_Kimbrough_6-29-2019.mp3 |
2019-06-27 |
Petra_Sukau_Part_2_6-26-2019.mp3 |
2019-06-22 |
Patient_Patients-L_Goodgame_6-22-2019.mp3 |
2019-06-15 |
A_Father’s_Blessings-B_Kimbrough_6-15-2019.mp3 |
2019-06-12 |
Petra_Sukau_Barry-Kimbrough_6-12-2019.mp3 |
2019-06-08 |
Typology_in_Ester_-_J_Anderson_6-8-2019.mp3 |
2019-06-01 |
Our_Continuing_Debt_-_B_Kimbrough_6-1-2019.mp3 |
2019-05-25 |
A_Consecrated_House-Dan_Linrud_5-24-2019.mp3 |
2019-05-18 |
Lydia-Janice_Nelson_5-18-2019.mp3 |
2019-05-18 |
Mission_Story-Jim_Anderson-Barry_Kimbrough.mp3 |
2019-05-11 |
A_Mother’s_Love-B_Kimbrough_5-11-2019.mp3 |
2019-05-04 |
Discovering_God’s_Will_in_Daily_Living_5-4-2019.mp3 |
2019-04-27 |
Sermon 114-B_Biegel-4-27-2019.mp3 |
2019-04-20 |
Resurrection_Power-B_Kimbrough_4-20-2019.mp3 |
2019-04-18 |
Jim_Ball_Memorial.mp3 |
2019-04-13 |
Communion-B_Kimbrough_4-13-2019.mp3 |
2019-04-06 |
The_Power_of_Prayer_and_Fasting-B_Kimbrough_4-6-2019.mp3 |
2019-03-30 |
Change_We_Can_Believe_In-B_Kimbrough_3-30-2019.mp3 |
2019-03-25 |
Let_It_Rain-T_Vipond_3-23-2019.mp3 |
2019-03-16 |
The_Little_Bible-_B_Kimbrough-3-16-2019.mp3 |
2019-03-09 |
Easier_To_Be_Lost_or_Saved-L_Goodgame_3-9-2019.mp3 |
2019-03-02 |
A_Picture_of_Last_Day_Christians-B_Kimbrough_3-2-2019.mp3 |
2019-02-23 |
Deliverance_D_Winslow_2-23-2019.mp3 |
2019-02-16 |
Three_Gifts_From_Jesus_2-16-2019.mp3 |
2019-02-09 |
The_Snake_In_The_Apple_Tree_-_The_Children-2-9-2019.mp3 |
2019-02-02 |
Freedom_of_Faith-_B_Kimbrough_2-2-2019.mp3 |
2019-01-26 |
Watchman_on_the_Wall_-T_Bischoff_1-26-2019.mp3 |
2019-01-19 |
A_Deeper_Experience-B_Biegel_1-19-2019.mp3 |
2019-01-12 |
When_Not_Giving_is_Good-B_Kimrough_1-12-2019.mp3 |
2019-01-05 |
God’s_Power_and_Presence-B_Kimbrogh-1-5-2019.mp3 |
2018-12-29 |
In_Meditating_In_Serving_-_B_Kimbrough-_12-29-2018.mp3 |
2018-12-22 |
When_Jesus_Came_to_Town_-_D_Winslow_12-22-2018.mp3 |
2018-12-15 |
Celebrating_Jesus-B_Kimbrough-12-15-2018.mp3 |
2018-12-08 |
Sermon_113-_B_Biegel-12-7-2018.mp3 |
2018-12-02 |
Power_for_Mission-_B_Kimbrough_12-1-2018.mp3 |
2018-11-24 |
Thanksgiving_Program_11-24-2018.mp3 |
2018-11-10 |
Overcoming_Trials_Through_Faith-B_Kimbrough_11-10-2018.mp3 |
2018-11-03 |
Which_One_Of_Three-Kimbrough_11-3-2018.mp3 |
2018-10-27 |
Steps_to_Personal_Revival-B_Kimbrough_10-27-2018.mp3 |
2018-10-20 |
New_Beginnings-D_Winslow_10-20-2018.mp3 |
2018-10-20 |
The_Appearing-B_Biegel_10-13-2013.mp3 |
2018-10-06 |
Sermon_112_B_Biegel_10-6-2018.mp3 |
2018-10-20 |
Prayer_Series-K_Wilfley_9-29-2018.mp3 |
2018-10-20 |
Prayer_Series-K_Wilfley_9-28-2018.mp3 |
2018-09-30 |
Prayerful_Living-K_Wilfley_9-29-2018.mp3 |
2018-09-30 |
Unlocking_Heaven_s_Storehose-K_Wilfley_9-29-2018.mp3 |
2018-09-29 |
Power_of_Intercessory_Prayer-Kevin_Wilfley_9-29-2018.mp3 |
2018-09-29 |
Acquiring_the_Skill_of_Prayer-Kevin_Wilfley_9-28-2018.mp3 |
2018-09-22 |
Have_You_Met_Jesus-_Dwight_Winslow_9-22-2018.mp3 |
2018-09-15 |
Epic_Failure_-_Wilmer_Hechanova_9-15-2018.mp3 |
2018-09-08 |
Sermon_111_Bob_Biegel_9-8-2018.mp3 |
2018-08-25 |
Sermon 110 Bob Biegel 8-25-2018.mp3 |
2018-08-18 |
Happiness Hacked T Bischoff 8-18-2018.mp3 |
2018-08-11 |
Care_and_Feeding_of_a_New_Pastor_-_D_Winslow_8-11-2018.mp3 |
2018-08-04 |
God is Love - Douglas Garcia 8-4-2018.mp3 |
2018-07-28 |
The Zeitgeist of the Age Dwight Winslow 7-28-2018.mp3 |
2018-07-21 |
Garden Time Fred Bischoff July 7-21-2018.mp3 |
2018-07-14 |
Relational Integrity Tom Bischoff 7-14-2018 |
2018-07-07 |
Sermon Number 109 Bob Biegel 7-7-2018.mp3 |
2018-06-30 |
5 Pillars of SDA Faith - Jim Anderson 6-30-2018.mp3 |
2018-06-23 |
Secret Believers D Winslow 6-26-2018 |
2018-06-09 |
Noah's Wife - Janice Nelson 6-9-2018 |
Janice Nelson |
2018-05-26 |
What is in a name II - Dr Dwight Winslow 5-26-2018 |
Dwight Winslow |
2018-05-19 |
The Trinity Mystery Lou Goodgame 5-19-2018.mp3 |
Lou Goodgame |
2018-04-21 |
Things We Have Heard-Tom Bischoff 4-21-2018.mp3 |
2018-04-14 |
Sermon 106 B Biegel 4-14-2018.mp3 |
2018-04-14 |
Sermon 105 B Biegel 3-24-2018.mp3 |
2018-04-14 |
Resurrection Music Program J Ball 3-31-2018.mp3 |
2018-04-07 |
It is finished - Dr Nadine Collins.mp3 |
Dr Nadine Collins |
2018-03-10 |
Storm_Wilmer_Hechanova_3-10-2018.mp3 |
2018-03-10 |
Endeavor_to_Persevere_Dwight_Winslow_3-3-2018.mp3 |
2018-03-10 |
Afternoon Charles Byrd |
2018-03-10 |
Morning Charles Byrd.mp3 |
2018-02-17 |
Easier To Be Lost or Saved? 2-17-2018 |
Lou Goodgame |
2018-02-10 |
Simplicity T Bischoff 2-10-2018 |
Tom Bischoff |
2018-02-03 |
Sermon 103 Bob Biegel 2-3-2018.mp3 |
Bob Biegel |
2018-01-27 |
Why go to Church D Winslow 1-27-2018 |
Dwight Winslow |
2018-01-20 |
The Girdle of Gladness 1-20-2018.mp3 |
Shernette Wallace |
2018-01-13 |
The Law of Reciprocal Dependence and Influence.mp3 |
Tom Bischoff |
2018-01-06 |
1844- A Day of Infamy 1-6-2018.mp3 |
Jim Anderson |
2017-12-16 |
Christmas Program 12-16-2017 |
2017-11-11 |
Jesus Saves To The Uttermost. |
Lou Goodgame |
2017-08-29 |
Born of the Spirit C Shultz 8-26-2017 |
2017-08-20 |
What Burns In Your Heart? 8-19-2017.mp3 |
Dr. Terry Vipond |
2017-05-02 |
The Treasure Pastor Shultz 4-29-201 |
Pastor Shultz |
2017-01-02 |
Vessels 12-31-2016 |
2016-09-28 |
The Unpardonable Sin-Shultz_9-27-2016.mp3 |
Shultz |
2016-09-28 |
Fear Not Pastor_Shultz_9-24-2016.mp3 |
Pastor Shultz |
2016-07-03 |
Whom or What Shall I Fear? |
Charles Shultz |
2016-07-03 |
The Roots of Our Sins |
Tatianna escobar |
2016-05-27 |
Measuring The Temple 5-14-2016 |
C Shultz |
2016-05-21 |
Let The Waters Rise 3-5-2016. |
Tatianna Escobar |
2016-02-09 |
The Threefold Union. |
C Shultz 2-6-2016 |
2016-01-26 |
Is the Protest Over? |
C Shultz |
2015-12-14 |
Longing 12-12-2015 |
C Shultz |
2015-11-18 |
Dying in Jesus |
C Shultz11-14-2015 |
2015-11-11 |
Planting seeds |
C Shultz 11-7-2015 |
2015-10-17 |
Ichabod to Emmanuel |
W Hechanova |
2015-08-19 |
Am I in a cult? |
Charles Shultz |
2015-07-25 |
How to keep the commandments? |
Charles Shultz |
2015-06-18 |
Saving Health |
Charles Shultz |
2015-06-18 |
The faith of Jesus |
Charles Shultz |
2015-05-28 |
Last Day Deceptions 5-23-2015 |
C Shultz |
2015-05-06 |
C_Shultz_4-25-12015.mp3 |
Charles Shultz |
2015-03-18 |
C Schultz 3-14-2015 |
Charles Schultz |
2015-03-13 |
G Hamilton Afternoon 3/7/2015p3 |
2015-03-11 |
Greg Hamilton Sermon 3-7-2015 |
2015-02-21 |
Kelly Mowrer The Lord's Prayer 2-21-2015 |
Kelly Mowrer |
2015-02-04 |
Who is the Church? |
Charles Shultz |
2014-11-29 |
After Thanksgiving-What? 11/29/2014 |
Charles Shultz |
2014-11-08 |
Lesson Book 11/8/2014 |
Charles Shultz |
2014-06-30 |
Millennium 6-21-2014.mp3 |
L Goodgame |
2014-06-30 |
Mediation Part 1 5-31-2014.mp3 |
Ty Gibson |
2014-06-30 |
Mediation Part 2 5-31-2014.mp3 |
Ty Gibson |
2014-06-30 |
The Joys of Salvation 2-24-2014.mp3 |
J Galvez |
2014-03-14 |
L Goodgame Angels Among Us 3-15-2014.mp3 |
L Goodgame |
2014-02-08 |
Tanya Huether- Is he worth the wait? -2/8/2014 |
Tanya Huether |
2014-02-06 |
Jose Galvez-The Door of the Sheep 1-11-2014.mp3 |
Jose Galvez |
2014-02-06 |
L Goodgame - Itchy Gnostic Ears 1-18-2014.mp3 |
L Goodgame |
2014-02-06 |
Wilmer Hechanova -Growing 11-16-2013.mp3 |
Wilmer Hechanova |
2013-11-15 |
J Galvez Why is Christ coming again? 11/16/2013 |
J Galvez |
2013-06-27 |
J Galvez "Fathers Like the Heavenly Father" 6-22-2013 |
2013-06-27 |
Tanya Huether "Graffiti in the Holy Place"-4-20-2013 |
2012-09-12 |
B_Biegel_The_one_Constant_9-1-2012.mp3 |
2012-09-12 |
J_Ball_What_Calvary_Did_8-11-2012.mp3 |
2012-09-12 |
J_Galvez_Early_Church_8-4-2012.mp3 |
2012-09-12 |
C_Shultz_Laboring_To_Rest_6-16-2012.mp3 |
2012-05-25 |
Pastor_Galvez_3-24-2012.mp3 |
2012-05-25 |
Pastor_Galvez_2-25-2012.mp3 |
2012-05-25 |
Pastor_Galvez_2-11-2012.mp3 |
2012-05-25 |
Pastor_Galvez_1-14-2012.mp3 |
2011-09-01 |
Two_people_groups-Bob_Biegel_7-16-2011.mp3 |
2011-09-01 |
Practicing_forgiveness-Pastor_Galvez_5-28-2011.mp3 |
2011-09-01 |
Honor_your_mother-Pastor_Galvez_5-7-2011.mp3 |
2011-09-01 |
Jerusalem_your_king_is_coming-Pastor_Galvez_4-9-2011.mp3 |
2010-10-09 |
How He Will Come |
Pastor Galvez |
2010-10-09 |
Great Commission on a Personal Level |
Pastor Galvez |
2010-10-09 |
Fogged In |
Charles Shultz |
2010-10-09 |
Why So Much Suffering |
Pastor Galvez |
2010-10-09 |
The Results of Real Love |
Pastor Galvez |
2010-10-09 |
The Reason for Unity |
Pastor Galvez |
2010-08-20 |
The Heart of Unity |
Pastor Galvez |
2010-07-30 |
Belief And Rest |
Bob Biegel |
2010-07-02 |
Principals Of Freedom |
Pastor Galvez |
2010-06-18 |
How To Be A Great Father |
Pastor Galvez |
2010-06-11 |
Word From The Lord |
Pastor Galvez |
2010-06-04 |
Bread Of Life |
Pastor Galvez |
2010-05-28 |
Battle For Freedom |
Pastor Galvez |
2010-05-21 |
A New Creation |
Pastor Galvez |
2010-05-14 |
Unbelief And Rest |
Bob Biegel |
2010-04-30 |
Cosmic_Conflict__13.mp3 |
Jose Galvez |
2010-04-30 |
Cosmic_Conflict__12.mp3 |
Jose Galvez |
2010-04-30 |
Cosmic_Conflict__11.mp3 |
Jose Galvez |
2010-04-30 |
Cosmic_Conflict__10.mp3 |
Jose Galvez |
2010-04-30 |
Cosmic_Conflict__9.mp3 |
Jose Galvez |
2010-04-30 |
Cosmic_Conflict__8.mp3 |
Jose Galvez |
2010-04-30 |
Cosmic_Conflict__7.mp3 |
Jose Galvez |
2010-04-30 |
Cosmic_Conflict__6.mp3 |
Jose Galvez |
2010-04-30 |
Cosmic_Conflict__5.mp3 |
Jose Galvez |
2010-04-30 |
Cosmic_Conflict__4.mp3 |
Jose Galvez |
2010-04-30 |
Cosmic_Conflict__3.mp3 |
Jose Galvez |
2010-04-30 |
Cosmic_Conflict__2.mp3 |
Jose Galvez |
2010-04-30 |
Cosmic_Conflict__1.mp3 |
Jose Galvez |
2010-03-12 |
Good Neighbors 3-6-10.mp3 |
Jose Galvez |
2010-03-12 |
First Things 2-27-2010.mp3 |
Jose Galvez |
2010-02-18 |
TrueLove |
Jose Galvez |
2009-09-13 |
Must Needs Go Threw Samaria |
Jose Galvez |
2009-09-13 |
Don't Run From The Cross |
Bob Biegel |
2009-07-25 |
The Justice of Judgement 1 |
BobBiegel |
2009-07-25 |
The Justice of Judgement 2 |
BobBiegel |
2009-03-27 |
7 Passages To Freedom |
Bob Biegel |
2009-07-12 |
The Bible |
Jose Galvez |
2009-07-08 |
Independece Day |
Jose Galvez |
2009-02-11 |
Karen Scott 1/9/2009 |
2008-10-04 |
The exceptional prayer. |
Charles Shultz |
2008-10-07 |
The beauty of God's grace. |
Leroy Finck |
2008-10-04 |
Why go to church. |
Charles Shultz |
2008-10-04 |
The scary prayer. |
Charles Shultz |
2008-08-31 |
Lessons from young Daniel . |
Virginia Smith Phd |
2008-09-26 |
The sweet bitter message. |
Charles Shultz |
2008-08-16 |
Our attitude toward the 2nd coming. |
Charles Shultz |
2008-08-16 |
The mad wife disease. |
Charles Shultz |
2008-08-21 |
The mad husband disease2-28-04 |
Charles Shultz |
2008-08-23 |
The three desires of a woman5-8-04. |
Charles Shultz |
2008-07-25 |
Principles For Understanding Prophecy |
Charles Shultz |
2008-07-27 |
Two Stories |
Calvin Smith Phd. |
2008-08-15 |
How to make good decisions 4/24/2004 |
Charles Shultz |
2008-07-27 |
When God Sends You to School. |
David Schmidt |
2008-07-27 |
Why be a Christian? |
Charles Shultz |